Match Results

Date State Club Environment Class Tournament Match Information Targets Start Time Results
01/03/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Doug Voda
2. Sherman White
3. Tim Longcore
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 01/03/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Bench drawing for the Unlimited match starts at 8:00AM.


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Doug Voda 2300-13X 2350-13X 2450-17X           7100-43X 2366.67-43X 33 2399.67-43X 1
2 Sherman White 2300-15X 2250-16X 2350-15X           6900-46X 2300.00-46X 30 2330.00-46X 0
3 Tim Longcore 2150-8X 2200-13X 2300-16X           6650-37X 2216.67-37X 27 2243.67-37X 0
4 Jason Ragar 2000-6X 2300-16X 2300-8X           6600-30X 2200.00-30X 24 2224.00-30X 0
5 Theodore Long 2100-9X 2200-15X 2250-6X           6550-30X 2183.33-30X 21 2204.33-30X 0
6 Stephen George 2100-6X 1975-10X 2150-9X           6225-25X 2075.00-25X 18 2093.00-25X 0
7 Keith Laylon 2125-12X 2100-10X 1950-9X           6175-31X 2058.33-31X 15 2073.33-31X 0
8 Mark Harrison-FL 2050-12X 1800-3X 2025-8X           5875-23X 1958.33-23X 12 1970.33-23X 0
9 Stuart Brown 1850-7X 1975-9X 1900-6X           5725-22X 1908.33-22X 9 1917.33-22X 0
10 Jonathan Linforth 1800-6X 1935-9X 1960-9X           5695-24X 1898.33-24X 6 1904.33-24X 0
11 Ray Atwood 1710-7X 1950-10X 1470-5X           5130-22X 1710.00-22X 3 1713.00-22X 0
01/03/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. John Young - FL
2. Ken Lloyd
3. Cecilia Young
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 01/03/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Bench drawing for the Unlimited match starts at 8:00AM.


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 John Young - FL 2500-2X 2500-0X 2500-2X           7500-4X 2500.00-4X 36 2536.00-4X 15
2 Ken Lloyd 2375-0X 2450-2X 2450-2X           7275-4X 2425.00-4X 33 2458.00-4X 2
3 Cecilia Young 2400-0X 2400-3X 2300-0X           7100-3X 2366.67-3X 30 2396.67-3X 2
4 David Mcmillian 2300-0X 2350-1X 2450-1X           7100-2X 2366.67-2X 27 2393.67-2X 1
5 Colleen Fuhs 2375-0X 2200-1X 2400-0X           6975-1X 2325.00-1X 24 2349.00-1X 1
6 Lowell Chick 2350-2X 2150-0X 2400-4X           6900-6X 2300.00-6X 21 2321.00-6X 1
7 Pat Flickinger 2275-0X 2300-2X 2250-1X           6825-3X 2275.00-3X 18 2293.00-3X 0
8 Robert Atkinson 2050-0X 2300-1X 2300-0X           6650-1X 2216.67-1X 15 2231.67-1X 0
9 Tom Vollman 2100-0X 2110-0X 2275-1X           6485-1X 2161.67-1X 12 2173.67-1X 0
10 Alan Mejac 1735-1X 2085-0X 2250-1X           6070-2X 2023.33-2X 9 2032.33-2X 0
11 Rodney Ingram 2025-1X 2100-1X 1935-0X           6060-2X 2020.00-2X 6 2026.00-2X 0
12 Larry McIntyre 1900-1X 2025-0X 2125-2X           6050-3X 2016.67-3X 3 2019.67-3X 0
01/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Sherman White
2. Doug Voda
3. Jason Ragar
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 01/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Bench drawing for the Factory match starts at 8:00AM


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Sherman White 2350-12X 2000-7X 2400-20X           6750-39X 2250.00-39X 36 2286.00-39X 1
2 Doug Voda 2250-10X 1950-7X 2250-14X           6450-31X 2150.00-31X 33 2183.00-31X 0
3 Jason Ragar 2075-7X 2050-11X 2250-13X           6375-31X 2125.00-31X 30 2155.00-31X 0
4 Theodore Long 1750-8X 2225-11X 2250-17X           6225-36X 2075.00-36X 27 2102.00-36X 0
5 Tim Longcore 1975-10X 2200-14X 2000-9X           6175-33X 2058.33-33X 24 2082.33-33X 0
6 Don Hardeman 1925-8X 2150-7X 2100-6X           6175-21X 2058.33-21X 21 2079.33-21X 0
7 Stephen George 1900-8X 1950-6X 2150-11X           6000-25X 2000.00-25X 18 2018.00-25X 0
8 Lee Methvin 1800-5X 2000-8X 1925-9X           5725-22X 1908.33-22X 15 1923.33-22X 0
9 Mark Harrison-FL 1825-6X 1800-7X 2000-8X           5625-21X 1875.00-21X 12 1887.00-21X 0
10 Barbara Benson 1875-7X 1825-8X 1625-5X           5325-20X 1775.00-20X 9 1784.00-20X 0
11 Alan Mejac 1825-7X 1500-3X 1975-9X           5300-19X 1766.67-19X 6 1772.67-19X 0
12 Keith Laylon 1220-1X 1230-1X 485-0X           2935-2X 978.33-2X 3 981.33-2X 0
01/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Ken Lloyd
2. John Young - FL
3. Stuart Brown
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 01/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Bench drawing for the Factory match starts at 8:00AM


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Ken Lloyd 2450-3X 2450-0X 2450-1X           7350-4X 2450.00-4X 36 2486.00-4X 3
2 John Young - FL 2400-2X 2450-3X 2450-2X           7300-7X 2433.33-7X 33 2466.33-7X 3
3 Stuart Brown 2350-2X 2450-3X 2350-0X           7150-5X 2383.33-5X 30 2413.33-5X 1
4 Cecilia Young 2350-0X 2325-0X 2450-2X           7125-2X 2375.00-2X 27 2402.00-2X 1
5 John Church 2350-2X 2025-1X 2450-0X           6825-3X 2275.00-3X 24 2299.00-3X 1
6 Lowell Chick 2225-0X 2350-1X 2200-1X           6775-2X 2258.33-2X 21 2279.33-2X 0
7 Ray Atwood 2050-0X 2225-1X 2050-1X           6325-2X 2108.33-2X 18 2126.33-2X 0
8 Rodney Ingram 2150-2X 2125-0X 1685-0X           5960-2X 1986.67-2X 15 2001.67-2X 0
9 Greg Reed 1975-0X 1750-1X 1785-0X           5510-1X 1836.67-1X 12 1848.67-1X 0
10 Dave Smith 2300-1X 1985-0X 1155-0X           5440-1X 1813.33-1X 9 1822.33-1X 0
11 David Mcmillian 1260-0X 1800-0X 1875-0X           4935-0X 1645.00-0X 6 1651.00-0X 0
12 Larry McIntyre 1530-0X 1260-0X 1735-1X           4525-1X 1508.33-1X 3 1511.33-1X 0
02/07/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Sherman White
2. Don Hardeman
3. Tim Longcore
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 02/07/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Sherman White 2200-10X 2300-12X 2300-11X           6800-33X 2266.67-33X 33 2299.67-33X 0
2 Don Hardeman 2250-12X 2350-14X 2100-7X           6700-33X 2233.33-33X 30 2263.33-33X 0
3 Tim Longcore 2250-12X 2250-12X 2100-7X           6600-31X 2200.00-31X 27 2227.00-31X 0
4 Jason Ragar 2125-10X 2200-8X 2175-10X           6500-28X 2166.67-28X 24 2190.67-28X 0
5 Jonathan Linforth 2200-10X 2250-12X 1950-8X           6400-30X 2133.33-30X 21 2154.33-30X 0
6 Doug Voda 2075-9X 2025-10X 2250-15X           6350-34X 2116.67-34X 18 2134.67-34X 0
7 Kimberly Lytle 1950-10X 2350-10X 1950-5X           6250-25X 2083.33-25X 15 2098.33-25X 0
8 Barbara Benson 1925-9X 1950-5X 2050-10X           5925-24X 1975.00-24X 12 1987.00-24X 0
9 Keith Laylon 1825-8X 1950-6X 1800-6X           5575-20X 1858.33-20X 9 1867.33-20X 0
10 Stuart Brown 1610-4X 1850-5X 2100-9X           5560-18X 1853.33-18X 6 1859.33-18X 0
11 Mark Harrison-FL 1875-7X 1825-9X 1625-1X           5325-17X 1775.00-17X 3 1778.00-17X 0
02/07/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Colleen Fuhs
2. Ray Atwood
3. John Young - FL
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 02/07/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Colleen Fuhs 2400-0X 2500-1X 2350-3X           7250-4X 2416.67-4X 33 2449.67-4X 6
2 Ray Atwood 2450-1X 2350-0X 2400-0X           7200-1X 2400.00-1X 30 2430.00-1X 2
3 John Young - FL 2400-0X 2400-3X 2350-5X           7150-8X 2383.33-8X 27 2410.33-8X 2
4 Cecilia Young 2350-2X 2450-0X 2325-0X           7125-2X 2375.00-2X 24 2399.00-2X 1
5 Jonathan Linforth 2350-0X 2350-0X 2200-4X           6900-4X 2300.00-4X 21 2321.00-4X 0
6 David Mcmillian 2400-1X 2075-0X 2350-2X           6825-3X 2275.00-3X 18 2293.00-3X 1
7 Lowell Chick 2250-0X 2375-2X 2200-0X           6825-2X 2275.00-2X 15 2290.00-2X 0
8 Robert Atkinson 2150-3X 2325-2X 2075-2X           6550-7X 2183.33-7X 12 2195.33-7X 0
9 Larry McIntyre 2200-2X 2275-0X 2025-0X           6500-2X 2166.67-2X 9 2175.67-2X 0
10 Rodney Ingram 2000-0X 2175-1X 2310-0X           6485-1X 2161.67-1X 6 2167.67-1X 0
11 Greg Reed 1505-0X 2075-2X 1260-0X           4840-2X 1613.33-2X 3 1616.33-2X 0
02/21/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Doug Voda
2. Sherman White
3. Tim Longcore
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 02/21/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Doug Voda 2350-7X 2025-11X 2300-10X           6675-28X 2225.00-28X 36 2261.00-28X 0
2 Sherman White 2000-7X 2450-12X 2150-9X           6600-28X 2200.00-28X 33 2233.00-28X 1
3 Tim Longcore 2250-8X 2150-17X 2175-11X           6575-36X 2191.67-36X 30 2221.67-36X 0
4 Stephen George 2150-7X 2125-4X 2250-9X           6525-20X 2175.00-20X 27 2202.00-20X 0
5 Barbara Benson 2050-12X 2125-4X 2000-11X           6175-27X 2058.33-27X 24 2082.33-27X 0
6 Dave Smith 1900-10X 2025-8X 1950-4X           5875-22X 1958.33-22X 21 1979.33-22X 0
7 Keith Laylon 1975-6X 2025-9X 1850-5X           5850-20X 1950.00-20X 18 1968.00-20X 0
8 Mark Harrison-FL 2125-12X 1700-5X 1875-5X           5700-22X 1900.00-22X 15 1915.00-22X 0
9 Theodore Long 1900-6X 1810-5X 1950-7X           5660-18X 1886.67-18X 12 1898.67-18X 0
10 Ray Atwood 1900-11X 1710-6X 1775-3X           5385-20X 1795.00-20X 9 1804.00-20X 0
11 Alan Mejac 1810-5X 1725-8X 1675-5X           5210-18X 1736.67-18X 6 1742.67-18X 0
12 Arnold Andrews 1370-3X 1460-6X 1655-7X           4485-16X 1495.00-16X 3 1498.00-16X 0
02/21/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Colleen Fuhs
2. John Church
3. Stuart Brown
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 02/21/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Colleen Fuhs 2500-1X 2450-1X 2350-1X           7300-3X 2433.33-3X 36 2469.33-3X 6
2 John Church 2450-1X 2300-0X 2350-0X           7100-1X 2366.67-1X 33 2399.67-1X 1
3 Stuart Brown 2250-0X 2375-1X 2400-2X           7025-3X 2341.67-3X 30 2371.67-3X 1
4 John Young - FL 2200-2X 2350-1X 2400-0X           6950-3X 2316.67-3X 27 2343.67-3X 1
5 Cecilia Young 2300-0X 2275-1X 2350-1X           6925-2X 2308.33-2X 24 2332.33-2X 0
6 Ken Lloyd 2250-0X 2400-0X 2250-3X           6900-3X 2300.00-3X 21 2321.00-3X 1
7 Lowell Chick 2200-1X 2350-1X 2350-0X           6900-2X 2300.00-2X 18 2318.00-2X 0
8 Larry McIntyre 2000-1X 2275-0X 2400-0X           6675-1X 2225.00-1X 15 2240.00-1X 1
9 Allan Fuhs 2350-0X 2200-0X 1875-1X           6425-1X 2141.67-1X 12 2153.67-1X 0
10 David Mcmillian 2100-1X 2200-2X 2025-0X           6325-3X 2108.33-3X 9 2117.33-3X 0
11 daryl wheeler 1650-0X 2100-0X 2450-0X           6200-0X 2066.67-0X 6 2072.67-0X 1
12 Rodney Ingram 1935-0X 1530-0X 1550-0X           5015-0X 1671.67-0X 3 1674.67-0X 0
03/06/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Doug Voda
2. Keith Laylon
3. Theodore Long
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 03/06/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Doug Voda 2250-10X 2100-11X 1975-11X           6325-32X 2108.33-32X 36 2144.33-32X 0
2 Keith Laylon 2200-12X 2025-10X 1925-7X           6150-29X 2050.00-29X 33 2083.00-29X 0
3 Theodore Long 2150-12X 1825-5X 2125-8X           6100-25X 2033.33-25X 30 2063.33-25X 0
4 Stephen George 2100-9X 2100-9X 1900-6X           6100-24X 2033.33-24X 27 2060.33-24X 0
5 Jonathan Linforth 2000-8X 2025-8X 2025-10X           6050-26X 2016.67-26X 24 2040.67-26X 0
6 Mark Harrison-FL 1950-8X 1975-8X 1975-11X           5900-27X 1966.67-27X 21 1987.67-27X 0
7 Don Hardeman 1850-7X 1950-9X 1950-6X           5750-22X 1916.67-22X 18 1934.67-22X 0
8 Robert Jackson 1800-6X 2160-9X 1675-0X           5635-15X 1878.33-15X 15 1893.33-15X 0
9 Barbara Benson 1925-5X 1725-4X 1900-7X           5550-16X 1850.00-16X 12 1862.00-16X 0
10 Phil Fiedler 2225-9X 1900-9X 1375-4X           5500-22X 1833.33-22X 9 1842.33-22X 0
11 Kimberly Lytle 1850-7X 1735-8X 1525-6X           5110-21X 1703.33-21X 6 1709.33-21X 0
12 Ray Atwood 1550-4X 1280-4X 1800-8X           4630-16X 1543.33-16X 3 1546.33-16X 0
03/06/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. John Young - FL
2. Stuart Brown
3. Ken Lloyd
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 03/06/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 John Young - FL 2450-1X 2400-1X 2400-1X           7250-3X 2416.67-3X 36 2452.67-3X 3
2 Stuart Brown 2175-0X 2350-1X 2450-1X           6975-2X 2325.00-2X 33 2358.00-2X 1
3 Ken Lloyd 2225-0X 2350-1X 2400-1X           6975-2X 2325.00-2X 30 2355.00-2X 1
4 Robert Atkinson 2500-0X 2125-1X 2300-0X           6925-1X 2308.33-1X 27 2335.33-1X 5
5 Cecilia Young 2260-2X 2375-2X 2200-0X           6835-4X 2278.33-4X 24 2302.33-4X 0
6 John Church 2050-2X 2275-1X 2350-1X           6675-4X 2225.00-4X 21 2246.00-4X 0
7 Colleen Fuhs 2125-0X 2175-0X 2275-1X           6575-1X 2191.67-1X 18 2209.67-1X 0
8 Allan Fuhs 2100-3X 2050-2X 2175-3X           6325-8X 2108.33-8X 15 2123.33-8X 0
9 Arnold Andrews 2050-0X 2025-1X 1835-0X           5910-1X 1970.00-1X 12 1982.00-1X 0
10 David Mcmillian 2085-0X 1825-2X 1655-0X           5565-2X 1855.00-2X 9 1864.00-2X 0
11 Rodney Ingram 1360-0X 1810-0X 2185-1X           5355-1X 1785.00-1X 6 1791.00-1X 0
12 Tom Vollman 965-0X 1505-0X 1395-0X           3865-0X 1288.33-0X 3 1291.33-0X 0
03/20/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Jason Ragar
2. Tim Longcore
3. Don Hardeman
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 03/20/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Jason Ragar 2250-13X 2325-15X 2300-12X           6875-40X 2291.67-40X 36 2327.67-40X 0
2 Tim Longcore 2250-9X 2150-11X 2400-13X           6800-33X 2266.67-33X 33 2299.67-33X 1
3 Don Hardeman 2200-10X 2360-18X 2100-8X           6660-36X 2220.00-36X 30 2250.00-36X 0
4 Barbara Benson 2075-12X 2300-10X 1925-8X           6300-30X 2100.00-30X 27 2127.00-30X 0
5 John Young - FL 2125-9X 2100-5X 1975-10X           6200-24X 2066.67-24X 24 2090.67-24X 0
6 Doug Voda 2100-12X 2050-9X 2025-9X           6175-30X 2058.33-30X 21 2079.33-30X 0
7 Phil Fiedler 2250-10X 1850-7X 1875-5X           5975-22X 1991.67-22X 18 2009.67-22X 0
8 Stephen George 1835-6X 2050-6X 2025-12X           5910-24X 1970.00-24X 15 1985.00-24X 0
9 Keith Laylon 2150-11X 1935-7X 1650-4X           5735-22X 1911.67-22X 12 1923.67-22X 0
10 Mark Harrison-FL 1850-8X 2000-10X 1725-5X           5575-23X 1858.33-23X 9 1867.33-23X 0
11 Robert Jackson 1875-4X 1800-4X 1800-6X           5475-14X 1825.00-14X 6 1831.00-14X 0
12 Jonathan Linforth 2125-10X 1500-10X 1525-7X           5150-27X 1716.67-27X 3 1719.67-27X 0
03/20/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Ken Lloyd
2. David Mcmillian
3. Pat Flickinger
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 03/20/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Ken Lloyd 2450-2X 2500-3X 2500-5X           7450-10X 2483.33-10X 36 2519.33-10X 11
2 David Mcmillian 2500-3X 2450-2X 2500-4X           7450-9X 2483.33-9X 33 2516.33-9X 11
3 Pat Flickinger 2400-1X 2350-1X 2450-1X           7200-3X 2400.00-3X 30 2430.00-3X 2
4 Stuart Brown 2375-0X 2450-0X 2350-0X           7175-0X 2391.67-0X 27 2418.67-0X 1
5 John Church 2450-1X 2300-0X 2350-1X           7100-2X 2366.67-2X 24 2390.67-2X 1
6 Cecilia Young 2300-0X 2350-1X 2350-1X           7000-2X 2333.33-2X 21 2354.33-2X 0
7 Mark Whiteacre 2250-0X 2275-4X 2350-0X           6875-4X 2291.67-4X 18 2309.67-4X 0
8 Richard Davis 2350-0X 2075-0X 2275-0X           6700-0X 2233.33-0X 15 2248.33-0X 0
9 Jonathan Linforth 2120-1X 2200-1X 2175-0X           6495-2X 2165.00-2X 12 2177.00-2X 0
10 Arnold Andrews 2000-1X 2400-0X 1950-0X           6350-1X 2116.67-1X 9 2125.67-1X 1
11 Larry McIntyre 1685-0X 2175-1X 2000-0X           5860-1X 1953.33-1X 6 1959.33-1X 0
12 Greg Reed 1850-1X 2050-1X 1925-2X           5825-4X 1941.67-4X 3 1944.67-4X 0
04/01/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Sherman White
2. John Young - FL
3. Tim Longcore
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 04/01/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info An email will be sent out at 8AM on Wednesday one week prior to the upcoming match. Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Sherman White 2200-9X 2350-10X 2300-12X           6850-31X 2283.33-31X 36 2319.33-31X 0
2 John Young - FL 2350-14X 2350-13X 2100-9X           6800-36X 2266.67-36X 33 2299.67-36X 0
3 Tim Longcore 2010-13X 2300-13X 2350-14X           6660-40X 2220.00-40X 30 2250.00-40X 0
4 Doug Voda 1900-7X 2350-17X 2350-13X           6600-37X 2200.00-37X 27 2227.00-37X 0
5 Stephen George 2250-13X 2100-11X 2150-11X           6500-35X 2166.67-35X 24 2190.67-35X 0
6 Don Hardeman 2200-10X 2250-11X 2025-6X           6475-27X 2158.33-27X 21 2179.33-27X 0
7 Jonathan Linforth 2275-11X 1925-8X 2075-11X           6275-30X 2091.67-30X 18 2109.67-30X 0
8 Theodore Long 2225-9X 1950-6X 2100-11X           6275-26X 2091.67-26X 15 2106.67-26X 0
9 Phil Fiedler 2000-6X 2100-9X 1800-4X           5900-19X 1966.67-19X 12 1978.67-19X 0
10 Keith Laylon 1975-7X 1950-10X 1950-6X           5875-23X 1958.33-23X 9 1967.33-23X 0
11 Mark Harrison-FL 2150-12X 1825-7X 1825-6X           5800-25X 1933.33-25X 6 1939.33-25X 0
12 Ron Deak 1460-3X 1400-4X 1260-1X           4120-8X 1373.33-8X 3 1376.33-8X 0
04/01/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Richard Davis
2. Stuart Brown
3. David Mcmillian
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 04/01/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Richard Davis 2400-1X 2500-5X 2350-1X           7250-7X 2416.67-7X 36 2452.67-7X 6
2 Stuart Brown 2450-2X 2400-0X 2400-0X           7250-2X 2416.67-2X 33 2449.67-2X 3
3 David Mcmillian 2300-1X 2350-1X 2450-1X           7100-3X 2366.67-3X 30 2396.67-3X 1
4 Allan Fuhs 2400-0X 2450-0X 2200-0X           7050-0X 2350.00-0X 27 2377.00-0X 2
5 Cecilia Young 2500-2X 2225-1X 2250-1X           6975-4X 2325.00-4X 24 2349.00-4X 5
6 Ken Lloyd 2250-0X 2350-0X 2350-0X           6950-0X 2316.67-0X 21 2337.67-0X 0
7 Mark Whiteacre 2350-3X 2250-1X 2300-2X           6900-6X 2300.00-6X 18 2318.00-6X 0
8 Colleen Fuhs 2350-0X 2325-0X 2225-0X           6900-0X 2300.00-0X 15 2315.00-0X 0
9 Lowell Chick 2300-1X 2200-1X 2300-0X           6800-2X 2266.67-2X 12 2278.67-2X 0
10 Tom Vollman 2225-0X 2075-2X 2185-0X           6485-2X 2161.67-2X 9 2170.67-2X 0
11 Pat Flickinger 1760-0X 2125-1X 2275-2X           6160-3X 2053.33-3X 6 2059.33-3X 0
12 Larry McIntyre 1960-0X 1895-1X 1875-1X           5730-2X 1910.00-2X 3 1913.00-2X 0
04/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Stephen George
2. Don Hardeman
3. Jason Ragar
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 04/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info An email will be sent out at 8AM on Wednesday one week prior to the upcoming match. Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Stephen George 2225-6X 2300-11X 2200-5X           6725-22X 2241.67-22X 30 2271.67-22X 0
2 Don Hardeman 2175-7X 2275-10X 2200-8X           6650-25X 2216.67-25X 27 2243.67-25X 0
3 Jason Ragar 2200-12X 2100-11X 2125-11X           6425-34X 2141.67-34X 24 2165.67-34X 0
4 Doug Voda 1975-10X 2100-12X 2050-11X           6125-33X 2041.67-33X 21 2062.67-33X 0
5 Barbara Benson 1900-8X 2050-9X 2050-7X           6000-24X 2000.00-24X 18 2018.00-24X 0
6 John Young - FL 2000-8X 1900-7X 1950-4X           5850-19X 1950.00-19X 15 1965.00-19X 0
7 Phil Fiedler 1960-8X 1875-8X 1950-9X           5785-25X 1928.33-25X 12 1940.33-25X 0
8 Jonathan Linforth 1925-6X 2025-7X 1800-8X           5750-21X 1916.67-21X 9 1925.67-21X 0
9 Keith Laylon 1775-7X 1675-5X 1850-4X           5300-16X 1766.67-16X 6 1772.67-16X 0
10 Mark Harrison-FL 1635-6X 1785-7X 1700-3X           5120-16X 1706.67-16X 3 1709.67-16X 0
04/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Ken Lloyd
2. Richard Davis
3. David Mcmillian
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 04/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info An email will be sent out at 8AM on Wednesday one week prior to the upcoming match. Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Ken Lloyd 2500-2X 2500-2X 2425-3X           7425-7X 2475.00-7X 33 2508.00-7X 11
2 Richard Davis 2450-0X 2450-2X 2400-2X           7300-4X 2433.33-4X 30 2463.33-4X 3
3 David Mcmillian 2325-1X 2450-0X 2325-3X           7100-4X 2366.67-4X 27 2393.67-4X 1
4 Colleen Fuhs 2325-1X 2400-2X 2275-0X           7000-3X 2333.33-3X 24 2357.33-3X 1
5 Stuart Brown 2350-2X 2275-1X 2350-1X           6975-4X 2325.00-4X 21 2346.00-4X 0
6 Lowell Chick 2300-3X 2200-1X 2325-2X           6825-6X 2275.00-6X 18 2293.00-6X 0
7 Pat Flickinger 2125-0X 2450-2X 2225-0X           6800-2X 2266.67-2X 15 2281.67-2X 1
8 Jonathan Linforth 1970-0X 2350-1X 2400-1X           6720-2X 2240.00-2X 12 2252.00-2X 1
9 Tom Vollman 1935-0X 2125-0X 2175-0X           6235-0X 2078.33-0X 9 2087.33-0X 0
10 Larry McIntyre 1470-1X 2360-1X 2185-0X           6015-2X 2005.00-2X 6 2011.00-2X 0
11 Greg Reed 1925-1X 1850-0X 1925-0X           5700-1X 1900.00-1X 3 1903.00-1X 0
05/01/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Club Tournament Click here 6 8:00 AM 1. John Young - FL
2. Barbara Benson
3. Don Hardeman
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 05/01/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info An email will be sent out at 8AM on Wednesday one week prior to the upcoming match. Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
    Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 John Young - FL 2300-13X 2225-12X 2250-15X 2250-12X 2100-11X 2300-12X     13425-75X 2237.50-75X 144 2381.50-75X 1
2 Barbara Benson 2200-5X 2050-6X 2200-10X 2150-13X 2250-10X 2300-12X     13150-56X 2191.67-56X 132 2323.67-56X 0
3 Don Hardeman 2150-8X 2300-15X 2050-6X 2200-9X 2350-7X 2050-7X     13100-52X 2183.33-52X 120 2303.33-52X 0
4 Kimberly Lytle 2250-10X 2075-9X 2175-15X 2300-12X 2100-6X 2050-8X     12950-60X 2158.33-60X 108 2266.33-60X 0
5 Martin Bickford 2200-7X 2150-13X 2175-10X 1975-7X 2100-12X 2225-11X     12825-60X 2137.50-60X 96 2233.50-60X 0
6 Doug Voda 2200-11X 2050-7X 2050-10X 2050-10X 2300-13X 2150-10X     12800-61X 2133.33-61X 84 2217.33-61X 0
7 Stephen George 2050-10X 2175-7X 2225-12X 2100-4X 2000-9X 1900-5X     12450-47X 2075.00-47X 72 2147.00-47X 0
8 Lee Methvin 2300-7X 1700-4X 2075-9X 2150-11X 2325-11X 1875-8X     12425-50X 2070.83-50X 60 2130.83-50X 0
9 Mark Harrison-FL 2060-10X 2150-9X 1975-9X 2075-10X 2100-5X 1925-7X     12285-50X 2047.50-50X 48 2095.50-50X 0
10 Jonathan Linforth 2300-13X 2075-8X 2000-8X 1800-3X 1825-8X 2025-6X     12025-46X 2004.17-46X 36 2040.17-46X 0
11 Tom Michenzi SR 1950-4X 1850-7X 2200-14X 2125-9X 1575-2X 2050-11X     11750-47X 1958.33-47X 24 1982.33-47X 0
12 Keith Laylon 1735-7X 1620-6X 1485-3X 1775-7X 1625-1X 1310-3X     9550-27X 1591.67-27X 12 1603.67-27X 0
05/15/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 Cancelled


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 05/15/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Cancelled due to unsafe weather (hail/lightening); rescheduled to 5/22.


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
05/15/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 Cancelled


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 05/15/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Cancelled due to unsafe weather (hail/lightening); rescheduled to 5/22.


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
05/22/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Doug Voda
2. Martin Bickford
3. Mark Harrison-FL
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 05/22/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Doug Voda 2250-13X 2300-10X 2100-9X           6650-32X 2216.67-32X 30 2246.67-32X 0
2 Martin Bickford 2150-9X 2200-11X 2250-6X           6600-26X 2200.00-26X 27 2227.00-26X 0
3 Mark Harrison-FL 2150-11X 2175-7X 2250-13X           6575-31X 2191.67-31X 24 2215.67-31X 0
4 Don Hardeman 2250-9X 2100-8X 2200-8X           6550-25X 2183.33-25X 21 2204.33-25X 0
5 Stephen George 2010-12X 2325-6X 2200-9X           6535-27X 2178.33-27X 18 2196.33-27X 0
6 Lee Methvin 2200-11X 2100-10X 2200-14X           6500-35X 2166.67-35X 15 2181.67-35X 0
7 John Young - FL 2150-10X 2125-8X 1900-5X           6175-23X 2058.33-23X 12 2070.33-23X 0
8 Jonathan Linforth 2100-10X 1775-8X 2025-9X           5900-27X 1966.67-27X 9 1975.67-27X 0
9 Keith Laylon 2025-9X 1685-4X 2035-9X           5745-22X 1915.00-22X 6 1921.00-22X 0
10 Tom Michenzi SR 1600-6X 1800-6X 1650-4X           5050-16X 1683.33-16X 3 1686.33-16X 0
05/22/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Ken Lloyd
2. John Church
3. Colleen Fuhs
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 05/22/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Ken Lloyd 2400-0X 2400-1X 2500-1X           7300-2X 2433.33-2X 36 2469.33-2X 7
2 John Church 2450-1X 2450-3X 2350-2X           7250-6X 2416.67-6X 33 2449.67-6X 2
3 Colleen Fuhs 2400-3X 2400-1X 2450-2X           7250-6X 2416.67-6X 30 2446.67-6X 3
4 Cecilia Young 2250-0X 2500-3X 2450-0X           7200-3X 2400.00-3X 27 2427.00-3X 6
5 Mark Whiteacre 2300-0X 2350-2X 2500-1X           7150-3X 2383.33-3X 24 2407.33-3X 5
6 David Mcmillian 2200-0X 2350-2X 2400-1X           6950-3X 2316.67-3X 21 2337.67-3X 1
7 Lowell Chick 2300-1X 2200-1X 2350-0X           6850-2X 2283.33-2X 18 2301.33-2X 0
8 Howard (Terry) Liffick 2325-1X 2150-1X 2250-1X           6725-3X 2241.67-3X 15 2256.67-3X 0
9 Jonathan Linforth 2175-0X 2250-0X 2250-0X           6675-0X 2225.00-0X 12 2237.00-0X 0
10 Rodney Ingram 1950-1X 1825-0X 1950-0X           5725-1X 1908.33-1X 9 1917.33-1X 0
11 David Knight 1725-0X 1810-0X 1775-0X           5310-0X 1770.00-0X 6 1776.00-0X 0
12 Charles Pfeifer 1350-0X 1810-0X 2025-0X           5185-0X 1728.33-0X 3 1731.33-0X 0
06/05/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Club Tournament Click here 6 8:00 AM 1. David Mcmillian
2. Stuart Brown
3. Mark Whiteacre
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 06/05/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info An email will be sent out at 8AM on Wednesday one week prior to the upcoming match. Reply to that email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
    Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 David Mcmillian 2450-1X 2400-0X 2400-0X 2450-0X 2450-2X 2350-1X     14500-4X 2416.67-4X 132 2548.67-4X 6
2 Stuart Brown 2450-0X 2400-2X 2350-2X 2400-2X 2500-3X 2375-0X     14475-9X 2412.50-9X 120 2532.50-9X 8
3 Mark Whiteacre 2350-1X 2350-0X 2400-2X 2250-1X 2450-1X 2350-0X     14150-5X 2358.33-5X 108 2466.33-5X 2
4 Cecilia Young 2300-0X 2500-1X 2350-1X 2400-2X 2225-2X 2300-0X     14075-6X 2345.83-6X 96 2441.83-6X 6
5 Christopher Allen 2350-0X 2250-0X 2025-1X 2350-1X 2375-1X 2275-0X     13625-3X 2270.83-3X 84 2354.83-3X 0
6 Barbara Benson 2275-1X 2200-0X 2260-3X 2275-0X 2150-0X 2035-0X     13195-4X 2199.17-4X 72 2271.17-4X 0
7 Larry McIntyre 2300-1X 2150-2X 2375-0X 2225-2X 2225-1X 1810-0X     13085-6X 2180.83-6X 60 2240.83-6X 0
8 Howard (Terry) Liffick 2200-0X 2050-1X 2075-1X 2285-0X 1910-0X 2100-1X     12620-3X 2103.33-3X 48 2151.33-3X 0
9 Rodney Ingram 2025-1X 1900-1X 2075-0X 2225-2X 2010-2X 2175-4X     12410-10X 2068.33-10X 36 2104.33-10X 0
10 Charles Pfeifer 2275-1X 2085-1X 2100-0X 1910-3X 1645-0X 2300-1X     12315-6X 2052.50-6X 24 2076.50-6X 0
11 David Knight 1825-0X 1410-1X 1535-0X 1530-0X 1170-0X 1380-0X     8850-1X 1475.00-1X 12 1487.00-1X 0
06/19/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Stephen George
2. Don Hardeman
3. John Young - FL
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 06/19/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Stephen George 2150-12X 2125-4X 2250-11X           6525-27X 2175.00-27X 18 2193.00-27X 0
2 Don Hardeman 1910-10X 2150-11X 2125-13X           6185-34X 2061.67-34X 15 2076.67-34X 0
3 John Young - FL 1935-4X 2150-10X 2100-10X           6185-24X 2061.67-24X 12 2073.67-24X 0
4 Lee Methvin 2125-7X 2000-6X 1950-11X           6075-24X 2025.00-24X 9 2034.00-24X 0
5 Kimberly Lytle 1800-3X 1700-9X 2000-5X           5500-17X 1833.33-17X 6 1839.33-17X 0
6 Mark Harrison-FL 1800-11X 1800-5X 1875-7X           5475-23X 1825.00-23X 3 1828.00-23X 0
06/19/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Ken Lloyd
2. Allan Fuhs
3. Howard (Terry) Liffick
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 06/19/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Ken Lloyd 2450-2X 2500-1X 2450-2X           7400-5X 2466.67-5X 36 2502.67-5X 7
2 Allan Fuhs 2400-0X 2500-1X 2500-1X           7400-2X 2466.67-2X 33 2499.67-2X 11
3 Howard (Terry) Liffick 2400-0X 2375-2X 2350-2X           7125-4X 2375.00-4X 30 2405.00-4X 1
4 Cecilia Young 2300-0X 2450-1X 2300-1X           7050-2X 2350.00-2X 27 2377.00-2X 1
5 David Knight 2350-2X 2450-0X 2200-0X           7000-2X 2333.33-2X 24 2357.33-2X 1
6 Stuart Brown 2375-0X 2300-0X 2300-1X           6975-1X 2325.00-1X 21 2346.00-1X 0
7 Colleen Fuhs 2375-1X 2350-0X 2075-0X           6800-1X 2266.67-1X 18 2284.67-1X 0
8 Robert Atkinson 2250-0X 2275-1X 2275-0X           6800-1X 2266.67-1X 15 2281.67-1X 0
9 David Mcmillian 2025-0X 2300-0X 2400-1X           6725-1X 2241.67-1X 12 2253.67-1X 1
10 Larry McIntyre 1875-2X 2400-1X 2225-0X           6500-3X 2166.67-3X 9 2175.67-3X 1
11 Christopher Allen 1550-0X 2050-1X 2225-0X           5825-1X 1941.67-1X 6 1947.67-1X 0
12 Barbara Benson 1685-0X 1570-0X 1445-0X           4700-0X 1566.67-0X 3 1569.67-0X 0
07/03/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Barbara Benson
2. John Young - FL
3. Doug Voda
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 07/03/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Barbara Benson 2300-11X 2200-13X 2250-12X           6750-36X 2250.00-36X 27 2277.00-36X 0
2 John Young - FL 2350-14X 2100-6X 2250-14X           6700-34X 2233.33-34X 24 2257.33-34X 0
3 Doug Voda 2250-11X 2100-8X 2300-12X           6650-31X 2216.67-31X 21 2237.67-31X 0
4 Tom Michenzi SR 2250-11X 2100-12X 2200-11X           6550-34X 2183.33-34X 18 2201.33-34X 0
5 Milton Gil 2050-9X 2200-9X 2150-6X           6400-24X 2133.33-24X 15 2148.33-24X 0
6 Stephen George 2150-9X 2250-14X 1975-9X           6375-32X 2125.00-32X 12 2137.00-32X 0
7 Mark Harrison-FL 1950-6X 2050-8X 2200-9X           6200-23X 2066.67-23X 9 2075.67-23X 0
8 Kimberly Lytle 2050-11X 1950-8X 1950-6X           5950-25X 1983.33-25X 6 1989.33-25X 0
9 Jason Ragar 2125-8X 1850-9X 1950-9X           5925-26X 1975.00-26X 3 1978.00-26X 0
07/03/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Howard (Terry) Liffick
2. Ken Lloyd
3. Richard Davis
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 07/03/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Howard (Terry) Liffick 2450-0X 2500-2X 2450-0X           7400-2X 2466.67-2X 30 2496.67-2X 7
2 Ken Lloyd 2500-3X 2350-1X 2400-0X           7250-4X 2416.67-4X 27 2443.67-4X 6
3 Richard Davis 2450-0X 2350-0X 2450-3X           7250-3X 2416.67-3X 24 2440.67-3X 2
4 Stuart Brown 2375-0X 2450-0X 2350-0X           7175-0X 2391.67-0X 21 2412.67-0X 1
5 Colleen Fuhs 2400-2X 2300-3X 2400-0X           7100-5X 2366.67-5X 18 2384.67-5X 2
6 Cecilia Young 2200-2X 2200-0X 2325-1X           6725-3X 2241.67-3X 15 2256.67-3X 0
7 Lowell Chick 2250-1X 2200-0X 2150-1X           6600-2X 2200.00-2X 12 2212.00-2X 0
8 Rodney Ingram 2250-0X 2025-0X 2200-0X           6475-0X 2158.33-0X 9 2167.33-0X 0
9 Christopher Allen 1760-1X 2350-0X 1960-0X           6070-1X 2023.33-1X 6 2029.33-1X 0
10 Larry McIntyre 1785-1X 1950-1X 2250-1X           5985-3X 1995.00-3X 3 1998.00-3X 0
07/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Doug Voda
2. Barbara Benson
3. Don Hardeman
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 07/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Doug Voda 2250-11X 2250-11X 2350-12X           6850-34X 2283.33-34X 36 2319.33-34X 0
2 Barbara Benson 2250-10X 2300-8X 2250-12X           6800-30X 2266.67-30X 33 2299.67-30X 0
3 Don Hardeman 2200-14X 2250-12X 2200-11X           6650-37X 2216.67-37X 30 2246.67-37X 0
4 Milton Gil 2175-9X 2300-11X 2150-11X           6625-31X 2208.33-31X 27 2235.33-31X 0
5 Gene Geiger 2075-10X 2250-11X 2000-10X           6325-31X 2108.33-31X 24 2132.33-31X 0
6 Kimberly Lytle 2100-8X 2025-10X 2025-9X           6150-27X 2050.00-27X 21 2071.00-27X 0
7 John Young - FL 1975-11X 2100-14X 2000-10X           6075-35X 2025.00-35X 18 2043.00-35X 0
8 Stephen George 2075-12X 1925-6X 2000-9X           6000-27X 2000.00-27X 15 2015.00-27X 0
9 Mark Harrison-FL 2025-12X 2175-7X 1775-5X           5975-24X 1991.67-24X 12 2003.67-24X 0
10 Jason Ragar 1885-9X 2050-6X 1950-7X           5885-22X 1961.67-22X 9 1970.67-22X 0
11 Stanley Niemczyk 1650-1X 2000-4X 2075-16X           5725-21X 1908.33-21X 6 1914.33-21X 0
12 Allan Fuhs 1775-2X 1535-7X 1975-10X           5285-19X 1761.67-19X 3 1764.67-19X 0
07/17/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM 1. Randy Clark
2. Colleen Fuhs
3. Howard (Terry) Liffick
Full results


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 07/17/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
1 Randy Clark 2500-1X 2500-1X 2500-1X           7500-3X 2500.00-3X 36 2536.00-3X 15
2 Colleen Fuhs 2500-2X 2500-1X 2450-1X           7450-4X 2483.33-4X 33 2516.33-4X 11
3 Howard (Terry) Liffick 2425-1X 2500-0X 2450-0X           7375-1X 2458.33-1X 30 2488.33-1X 7
4 Cecilia Young 2450-1X 2400-1X 2450-0X           7300-2X 2433.33-2X 27 2460.33-2X 3
5 Ken Lloyd 2425-0X 2350-0X 2500-2X           7275-2X 2425.00-2X 24 2449.00-2X 6
6 Pat Flickinger 2500-3X 2450-1X 2300-1X           7250-5X 2416.67-5X 21 2437.67-5X 6
7 John Church 2450-2X 2250-1X 2450-3X           7150-6X 2383.33-6X 18 2401.33-6X 2
8 Mark Whiteacre 2225-1X 2500-1X 2425-1X           7150-3X 2383.33-3X 15 2398.33-3X 6
9 Lowell Chick 2250-0X 2175-2X 2250-0X           6675-2X 2225.00-2X 12 2237.00-2X 0
10 Larry McIntyre 2075-0X 2000-0X 1910-0X           5985-0X 1995.00-0X 9 2004.00-0X 0
11 Rodney Ingram 1825-0X 1975-0X 2050-1X           5850-1X 1950.00-1X 6 1956.00-1X 0
12 Tom Vollman 1810-1X 2025-0X 1860-2X           5695-3X 1898.33-3X 3 1901.33-3X 0
08/07/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM  


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 08/07/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
08/07/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM  


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 08/07/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
08/21/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Unlimited Click here 3 8:00 AM  


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 08/21/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Unlimited
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF
08/21/24 Florida Eustis Gun Club Outdoor Factory Click here 3 8:00 AM  


Club Eustis Gun Club
Date 08/21/2024
Match Director John Young - FL
Environment Outdoor
Class Factory
Match Info Reply to the email with your name, ARA number, and class that you want to shoot.
All matches are open to the public.
To be added to the email list send an email to


Place Competitor Tgt
          Total Agg. Pts. Agg. + Pts. HOF